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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Info

Who actually uses those terms? Much less in the search bar.

Pyro - (Talk)16:05, 24 August 2013

Mikaya made "G18EP1", "G18EP2", etc etc.

Infodude575 (talk)16:44, 24 August 2013

At the time, I wasn't aware of that silly Chapter 5 I assumed, like everyone else, it was G18EPx

まそっぷ ! (talk)18:20, 24 August 2013

I do. Especially in search bar.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)16:51, 24 August 2013

"Episode x" is a much more commonly used term.

Pyro - (Talk)16:54, 24 August 2013

g18epx takes fewer keystrokes

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)17:00, 24 August 2013

EPx then?

Infodude575 (talk)17:12, 24 August 2013

Episode x, EPx, Ex. Until now I have never seen anyone call them G18Ex or G18EPx, everyone just writes it out completely or shortens it more than that.

Pyro - (Talk)17:16, 24 August 2013

We can't be sure Nexon won't reset the episode counter the next time there's an update like Saga.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)18:29, 24 August 2013

As I said, we'd worry about that when/if that happens.

Pyro - (Talk)21:19, 24 August 2013

And until/unless we get confirmation that it won't happen, there's nothing wrong with leaving those g118epx redirects.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)22:01, 24 August 2013

I never asked to remove them, I'm just asking what's the point considering G18EP1 had like under 10 views and in my experience isn't that common of a term.

Pyro - (Talk)23:35, 24 August 2013
  • cough*redirects don't increase pagecount unless viewed without redirecting*cough*

Then what's the previous deletion markings based on "Unused Redirect" if we cannot event tell who views it? (And it wasn't stupid redirects either.)

Pyro - (Talk)00:50, 25 August 2013