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Last edit: 12:36, 20 May 2015


For a serious question, as a mage, is mana upkeep a serious struggle? Do you really think a skill that restores 50% of your MAX MP every 3 minutes is much needed, and a "better" option over buffing natural mana regeneration and uncapping Meditation?

Infodude575 (talk)13:50, 14 May 2015

hell should I know? I never mage. My twin says his MP is always high (above half at least), but he "cheats" with his Holy Eagle Mask...stupid regen and MP bonus.

Lazy Bunny Mikaya ' ^ ' (talk)14:15, 14 May 2015

With that new skill he'll never ever EVER run out of MP, with or without Holy Eagle Mask.

Infodude575 (talk)14:25, 14 May 2015

Lightning Rod.png > Hail Storm.png >= Meteor Strike.png

Inspiration.png > Holy Eagle Mask.png > Meditation.png

Say good bye to your precious Hail, Meteor, Meditation, and any desire for Holy Eagle Mask.

Infodude575 (talk)12:38, 20 May 2015

I'd still say the mask is viable. but what do I know, I haven't touch magic since merlin...zzzzz

Incompetent Bunny Mikaya ' ^ ' (talk)08:59, 21 May 2015

More Max MP = More MP Recovery from Inspiration~

Blargel (talk)11:13, 21 May 2015

Very inspiring if I could figure out how2play mabi correctly again. Melee update threw my game off, along with playing DFO, getting hit by storms for about 3 weeks, and the like. Tornado season kicked off on a high note.

Incompetent Bunny Mikaya ' ^ ' (talk)12:06, 21 May 2015

Viable yes, but Mana Recovery's (Inspiration sounds stupid) boon is too great while being incredibly easy to acquire, and ranking it may or may not be difficult unlike Sakura Abyss. I have 1k MP and healing 500 mp every 3 minutes. Its pretty much an insult to Meditation, as well as the hard work you have to go through for getting Holy Eagle Mask (lots of RNG, economy, etc. etc.).

Why would I want to put in any effort for a silly Mask when this skill solves all my mana problems?

Infodude575 (talk)11:19, 21 May 2015

Because during those 3 mins, you need to keep your mp up somehow before Inspiration. Hell should I know. All I know is you can never have too much MP as a mage.

Incompetent Bunny Mikaya ' ^ ' (talk)12:05, 21 May 2015