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Stewart's Secret Shop

Stewart's Secret Shop

For anyone curious, it took me 24 breads and 16 gold, using alternating keywords.

Lillysky (talk)16:28, 6 June 2015

"Alternating Keywords"... :/

The data, particularly on "how much of this item is needed to unlock", is pretty bad. It's been claimed and proven that starting a conversation and using keywords stresses the NPC.

Pretty sure the original intention was least amount of said item, which isn't the case here.

Infodude575 (talk)18:48, 6 June 2015

Yes, talking to NPC increases stress, but it is also required in order to increase memory, which is also required to unlock Secret Shops.

Has anyone ever tried doing something like, 3 gifts per keyword? Like you'd go: gift-gift-gift-keyword repeat? Perhaps there's a way we can reduce the amount of stress they get while increasing the memory?

Lillysky (talk)11:32, 13 June 2015

Which, unfortunately, may end up doing more harm than good. Talking to them with Private Story + Nearby Rumors after every gift definitely seems like a bad idea.

Infodude575 (talk)20:23, 6 June 2015

I tried unlocking Nora's shop without keywords and just using bread and it did not help whatsoever. From what I saw her friendlyness either didn't go up or only went up by a small amount. I switched to using underwear sets and she liked the gifts but even after 20k of gifts, I didn't unlock her shop.

Thus I decided to use bread and keywords and after a number of breads and some gold, I unlocked it.

Therefore I do not believe currently that Private Story and Nearby Rumors is a bad idea.

If someone can prove me wrong, please do so because secret shops are horribly tedious, but for now I've found using keywords and gold to be the best method.

Lillysky (talk)10:50, 7 June 2015

Someone told me he unlocked Agnes's secret shop faster without keywords as opposed to with.

Infodude575 (talk)11:50, 7 June 2015

Okay, well tomorrow if I have time I will try to unlock Gordon's secret shop, without using keywords. I'll provide my data, but we're going to need someone else's data using keywords to test against. And if I learned anything from taking Statistics, we're going to need multiple trials.

Lillysky (talk)22:50, 7 June 2015