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Category talk:Courcle Artifacts

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Should We Note Statue Animals007:36, 13 July 2024

Should We Note Statue Animals

I have never edited anything on a wiki before, so I hope this discussion post will be noticed by someone with more experience.

I have been looking for specific Courcle artifacts, and this Wiki has help me find the locations.

However aside from the location where the correct statues may spawn, there also seems to be a difference in what artifacts drop based on the singular animal or multiple animals showing up on the statues.

With for example the Bear giving me Ancient Calendar pieces

While the Eagle gives me Bone Ocarina and Bronze Jackal pieces.

I noticed some statues have multiple heads at once, with there also being a sage one. Should, for the sake of complete information, the animal or statue type be listed along the artifacts?

Astradiel (talk)07:36, 13 July 2024