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Crafting Diary/Handicraft List

From Mabinogi World Wiki

See Also


Paper Hat Rock Costume Kit Nao Costume Kit Thicket Costume Kit Tree Costume Kit

Sun Costume Kit Rolling Pin Ladle Fishing Rod Ghost Sword

Item Fishing Pole W22 Bone Marine Sword Dittes Sacred Wand Ruyuefeixue's Butterfly Fan Metal Lightning Wand

Demonic Infinity Staff Demonic Illusion Control Bar Demonic Nightmare Dream Catcher Celtic Control Bar Milky Way Lyre

Milky Way Whistle Milky Way Cymbals Tuned Milky Way Violin Tuned Milky Way Cello Tuned Milky Way Flute

Tuned Milky Way Whistle Tuned Violin Tuned Cello Tuned Flute Tuned Whistle

Revenant Lunatic Control Bar Fallen Pierrot Figure Perseus Conflict Control Bar Handmade Arrow Fine Handmade Arrow

Finest Handmade Arrow Handmade Bolts Fine Handmade Bolt Finest Handmade Bolt Handmade Ballista Bolt

Fine Handmade Ballista Bolt Finest Handmade Ballista Bolt Wyvern Ballista Bolt Poison Tip Wyvern Ballista Bolt Spider Trap

Piercing Forest Arrows (x1000) Cooking Table Peeled Bean Potion Concoction Kit Paper Crane

Handicraft Kit Handmade Bandage Fine Handmade Bandages Finest Handmade Bandages Item Illusion T46

Wood Board Magic Powder Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon Pass Hard Mode Ciar Advanced Fomor Pass Hard Mode Alby Advanced Fomor Pass

Hard Mode Rundal Advanced Fomor Pass Dragon Bone Complete Marionette Repair Set Fine Marionette Repair Set Marionette Repair Set

Cotton Cushion Stuffing Artificial Turf Hay Bale Green Paint Red Paint

Yellow Paint Blue Paint Gold Paint White Paint Black Paint

Purple Paint Transparent Crystal Ball Sparkling Diamond Standing Lamp Stationery Table

Wooden Birdcage Spinning Wheel - Finest Leather Strap Spinning Wheel - Fine Leather Strap Fabric Weaving Loom Silk Weaving Loom

Snack Basket Fine Vanilla Scented Candle Finest Vanilla Scented Candle Fine Lavender Scented Candle Finest Lavender Scented Candle

Fine Lemongrass Scented Candle Finest Lemongrass Scented Candle Fine Cherry Scented Candle Finest Cherry Scented Candle Fine Cotton Scented Candle

Finest Cotton Scented Candle Far Darrig Doll (Hapless) Far Darrig Doll (Pink) Far Darrig Doll (Blue) Far Darrig Doll (Green)

Harmonious Magic Powder Irusan's Bell Fused Erg Sealing Box Special Upgrade Reset Kit Special Upgrade Conversion Kit

Polished Plate Enchant Recovery Essence Special Upgrade Recovery Essence Upgrade Reversion Kit

Removed from Crafting Diary

Enchant Expiration Removal Scroll

Not in Crafting Diary

Ice Sword Glowing Ice Sword Irinid Ballista Bolt Snowball Christmas Ornament Festival Table Special Guardian Ring Special Chain of Protection Large Bandage Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon Mirror World Pass Spirit Potion Anti-Fomor Cloth Chain of Protection Alby Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Ciar Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Rabbie Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Math Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Fiodh Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Coill Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Rundal Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Peaca Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Barri Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration) Cheering Stick Completed Compass Brooch of Memories

Previously Implemented

Bonita Twin Ribbon Eweca Short Sword Eweca Shield Whip Cream Yolk Foam Yolk Dough Egg White Foam Chocolate Cake Dough Rising Dough Ladeca Short Sword (Handicrafted) Ladeca Shield (Handicrafted) Ladeca Helm (Handicrafted) Ladeca Ice Wand (Handicrafted) Sky Lantern Journeyman's Mannequin (event) Professional's Mannequin (event)

Part-Time Job Only

Thin Spars (Part-Time Job) Thick Spars (Part-Time Job) Cross-shaped Spars (Part-Time Job) Glue (Part-Time Job) Light Paper (Part-Time Job) Light Thread (Part-Time Job) Light Silk (Part-Time Job) Clown Puppet (Part-Time Job) Ferghus Puppet (Part-Time Job) Decorated Bear Puppet (Part-Time Job) Decorated Bunny Puppet (Part-Time Job) Bear Puppet (Part-Time Job) Bunny Puppet (Part-Time Job)