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Logan/Special Quests

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Likeability Milestone Responses

Special Prompt: Cooking (Likeability 3 - 2/70)

Special Prompt: Training (Likeability 3 - 45/70)

Special Prompt: Training (Likeability 4 - 15/100)

> On Screen Message: Logan's likeability has increased.

Eirlys and Elsie are definitely talented individuals.
Whenever I see Eirlys breeze through training, it makes me feel a bit useless. Heh.
Geez, at that age when I was playing with wooden swords, Elsie was crushing monsters with her hammer.
But I shouldn't let myself be envious.
Improvement is not the comparing of your footsteps with others, but with your footsteps of yesterday.
That's what my first teacher taught me. And that lesson helps me move forward every day.

(They seem really happy.)

Special Prompt: Playing (Likeability 4 - 50/100)

Special Prompt: Dating (Likeability 4 - 75/100)

Relationships, you ask? Ha ha... This is a little embarrassing.
Of course, I had someone that I loved.
But that's all in the past now. We parted ways long ago.

> Prompt: Do you still love her?

> On Screen Message: Logan's likeability has increased.

Logan ...
I'm not sure... I don't know if love is the right word...
I guess it's more of a remorse than love.
Hmm... This is a tough topic for me. I think that's enough for now.

(They seem really happy.)

Tutorial Quest Responses

Likeability Quest Responses

For Quest completion advice, see Squire Quests.

The Letter

(You meet up with Dai.)

On one of my recent missions, I met a guy who was still training at Baltane.
He had a letter for Logan, but being stuck at Avalon Gate, he wasn't able to reach him.
So... I got put in charge of delivering it to him.
Hmph...Logan looks like he's going to scold me for slacking off lately... So I'm kind of avoiding him at the moment...
Hahaha. So... (Character Name), I'll leave it to you!

(You go to Logan.)

Oh, a letter for me?

(You hand the letter to Logan.)

Hm, the sender's name is missing. Who could have sent this?

(Logan reads the letter with a stormy look on his face.)


> Prompt: What is the matter?

It's... It's nothing. You don't need to worry.
I think it's just a prank letter, ha ha ha...

Logan's way of looking at you has changed.

From the Bottom of Logan's Heart

(You go to Dai at his request.)

Remember that letter I asked you to deliver to Logan? Do you remember what it was about?
Ever since that day, Logan's been acting strange.
Umm... How should I put it? He doesn't seem so different on the outside...
Gosh... It's hard to explain...
Um... Honestly, he's been really hard on himself. I hear him blaming himself all the time.
He always looks so down and just laughs things off. Like, yesterday he told me he was too old for something. Ridiculous stuff like that.
He used to be much cooler in the past. He was confident, and complimented everyone.
Now he seems so stiff... almost bitter...
I remember when this all started, too...
It started the day he got that letter!
So, the letter must have said something really terrible!
Anyway... (Character Name), I need your help! Please find out what's wrong with Logan. He... He can't go on like this.
M-me? Ha ha... Well, I'm too shy to do it myself... Hahaha...

(You go check up on Logan.)

I see... I had no idea that Dai worried about such things... Ha ha, I see. I guess I seemed pretty off.
I understand... I will tell you everything, captain.
Do you remember when I told you that I was once in love? Well, that letter was from her.
It said that... she will soon be married...
But... she said she still loves me... And if I come back now... She said we could be together again.
Oh... Why did I turn her down?
Ha ha... The thing is... That letter arrived a year ago.
It got here right after I came to Baltane... It must have gotten lost... Ha ha ha... I think we're not meant to be.
Well... It probably would've been the same... Probably...
Honestly, I felt relieved while reading it.
I felt relieved that... That I received the letter too late.
That way, I didn't have to turn her down again.
I didn't have to let her go with my own hands.
I could just say I'm unlucky... and let go of everything...
Even if I got the letter on time... I wouldn't have gone back to her. And I would've written back kindly.
'I'm too worthless to make you happy...' 'Marry the man who makes you happy now...'
That's a lie...
It's actually the opposite... I thought she would stand in the way of my knighthood.
She had no family, and was alone... She was lonely and desperate for love...
So after I arrived in Baltane, I wanted... to be free again.
I was so unskilled compared to everyone else here... I had to do everything I could to catch up.
I was so busy chasing my own goals... That she became a burden to me, instead of a joy.
I lied back then to free her. I told her that I would only hurt her if she stayed with me... I told her to find someone else to make her happy...
I was so angry... and ashamed...
I was angry at Eirlys and Elsie who were born with talent... I was angry at Kaour for being so strong and confident. I was angry at Dai for being so casual about everything. I was angry and envious of all of them.
And... I became so ashamed, watching Kanna... Kanna works so hard to look after her siblings back home.
So... So... That is why I took my anger out on all of them. My envy overwhelmed me... they had everything I wanted...
I... I don't know what to do anymore...

(You go back and report to Dai.)

Ack!! What? That's too intense...
Ugh... Logan... I had no idea.
But... Hm... I've never fallen in love, so I wouldn't know very well...
That person is already married and living happily, right? I don't think Logan should worry, then.
Isn't it selfish to pine after someone who has already found happiness?
Yeah. At times like this, we need... (Character Name)'s authority!

> Prompt: Authority?

I guess... it might not fall exactily within your authority. But it's for the good of the whole unit!
The special mission us for you, Logan. You can travel to the village she lives in. You can see how happy she is.
Won't that help, in the end?

> Prompt: What if she is not happy?

Then you should take her away! Logan, you're a man! Be a man! Don't let a woman suffer like that.

(You send Logan to check on the town where his past lover lived.)

Report Mission Success
Logan: There was nothing. I bet you had to pull a few strings for this, right? Thank you so much, captain.

(You talk to Logan.)

> On Screen Message: Logan's way of looking at you has changed.

I guess I should thank you first.
Thanks to you, I feel much better.
She... she is fine without me... without feeling lonely... She's no longer desperate for love... She's happy...
I think she married the right man.
While I was patrolling the village, I could hear her giggling nonstop[sic].
I smelled delicious meals every night as she prepared dinner. I heard a baby murmuring. I heard happy laughter from a family...
The happy life she longed for was happening right there.
It was really selfish of me to think about her, as Dai said. I was really selfish...
I thought only I could make her happy.
How stupid of me... How rude of me to have thought so! I finally understood, after hearing her laughter.
I feel much better now.
But I still feel guilty for choosing my dreams over her. I won't dwell on the past anymore, though.
Thank you so much, captain.

Gift Responses

Unacceptable Items

I'm grateful, but I'm afraid I can't accept this.
While training, I can't accept gifts without a reason.

Miscellaneous Responses


Affection Level: 2

Hello <Milletian>.
Good to see you're doing well.

Affection Level: 5

Logan (Squad Member)
Are you sleeping well?
They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing, you know.
Taking care of your body is always worth it.

Affection Level: 5

Are you feeling well?

Try to Start a Second Conversation in a Single Day

I'm afraid I only have time for once conversation a day. I'd love to talk tomorrow, so feel free to come by.
(Only one conversation per day. Maybe you should wait.)

Try to Start a Conversation without Completing a Quest

I don't mind talking, but I need to finish something first. I was thinking of a quest...
(There's something you must do before talking to Logan.)

Try to Start a Conversation in the middle of Training

I haven't finished your assigned training yet.
I would prefer to finish before striking up a conversation.
(They're training right now. Don't bother them.)

Mission Reports

Mission Complete Report

I will give a report after completing the mission.

Reports at Likeability 1

Reports at Likeability 2

Reports at Likeability 3

Reports at Likeability 4

The mission is fine. Anyway, I wonder if everyone is doing well.
I wonder who's taking care of their meals... I doubt Kanna would be, right?

You don't have to worry about the mission.
Just worry about yourself.

Reports at Likeability 5

I thought this would be an easy mission...
But it's not. I lack the focus needed...
To be honest, worrying about you is making it difficult to concentrate.

I'd like to return as soon as possible and share what I learned during this mission.

You don't have to worry about me.
Please always consider your safety first.