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Spirit Forming Bottle

From Mabinogi World Wiki
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Inventory icon of Spirit Forming Bottle

1 × 2

This bottle allows one to control the spirit that exists from the Other World.

  • Spirit Forming Bottle can be obtained by clearing a normal Rabbie Dungeon alone, as a dungeon reward item. It is acceptable for a party to escort you through the dungeon, but they MUST leave the dungeon and party before opening the boss room door.
    • Please note that you can only receive this item during the quest.

Used In


  • Note: The Holy Potion of Lymilark has been renamed to Spirit Potion.
Name Minimum Total Materials[1] Item Rank Skill Rank
Spirit Potion Spirit Forming Bottle x1
Spirit Viewing Powder x1
Spirit Hearing Water x1


  1. This column is for the minimum number of each material required to actually produce a complete item within the least number of attempts and not the number of materials required for a single attempt (note that some items can be completed in a single attempt and in this case, the two are the same).