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Spirit Weapon/Spirit Quotes/Female Blunt Quotes

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Ego Female Blunt.png
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Level 1-40

Level 1-40
Info Tab Idle " " " "
Enhancement Tab Idle " " " "
After Enhancement " " " "
Growth Tab Idle " " " "
After Feeding " " " "
On Level Up " " " "
Chat Tab Idle "Please don't criticize me. I'm doing my best." "I am willing if I know how..."
Private Story "People call something like me a Spirit Weapon."
Nearby Rumors "I think there's just no end to human greed."
Skills "Um, about... skills? I, uh...

I wish I could help you, but I've been asleep for so long... I doubt anything I know would be of any use to you."

Part-Time Jobs "A Part-time what now...?"
Classes and Training "Lesson and training? I'm not sure... Sorry."
Rest "Rest... skill, huh? Uh... that's... that's...

I'm sorry. I'm not really sure... I might be able to find out from an item that people use to rest..."

Ranged Attack "You mean... the Ranged Attack? I don't know much other than it's a skill used for ranged attacks....

But one thing's for sure... That skill cannot be used without a Bow or a Crossbow."

Playing Instrument "Yeah, I think it's a skill to play an instrument!

But... that wasn't the answer you weren't looking for, huh..."

Composing "Composing skills? If I remember correctly... I heard you can make songs...

Is that true? I don't want to be wrong..."

Tailoring "Tailoring? So... you can even make clothes to wear?

That can't be true. How could anyone have such power?"

Magnum Shot "Magnum Shot... I'm not certain, but... I think it's a ranged skill..."
Counterattack "Counterattack? I think I might know what that is...

I just don't feel so confident saying so yet... So, yeah..."

Smash Skill "Smash skill?

I don't know... It may or may not be the skill I'm thinking of... I'm not too confident in my answer.
I'd really like to learn more before answering these questions..."

Gathering "Gathering skill? Uh...

Ah, this won't do... I want to gather my thoughts a bit more before we talk... Is that okay?"

Fishing Skill "Fishing skill? I don't know anything like that...

Do I have to know that? Are you going to make me go fishing?"

Lute "Lute? I don't know... Well, I know it's an instrument that humans use...

Hey... I wasn't much help, huh... It's just that... I'm not really used to the human world yet...
I wonder if I'll ever adjust to this place..."

Teardrop of the Spirit "Eh? Are you... going to make me cry? Ah... you're mean...

Oh... that's not it... You're talking about this.
...I misunderstood you. I'm sorry."

Failed Keyword
"I would really love to help...

But I just have no idea."

"Well... um...

Sorry. I have no idea."

"I don't know why you keep asking me these difficult questions..."

Level 40-80

Level 40-80
Info Tab Idle " " " "
Enhancement Tab Idle " " " "
After Enhancement " " " "
Growth Tab Idle " " " "
After Feeding " " " "
On Level Up " " " "
Chat Tab Idle "Do you have something to say?" "I want to be of help to you..."
Private Story "Our relationship is one that formed out of a contract. I look forward to the adventures ahead of us."
Nearby Rumors "I believe there is a mine, full of sleeping spirits just like me, in the Dungeons of Bangor. Perhaps that's why so many people travel to that place these days..."
Skills "Would you be able to help me grow a bit more?"
Part-Time Jobs "A Part-time job... A Part-time... Sorry, I can't say I'm familiar with that."
Classes and Training "I heard people called students receive experience from people called teachers.

Seems like an interesting way to preserve knowledge across generations..."

Rest "Most people who use the Rest skill do it sitting down. I found out there's a connection between sitting and rest. Not a bad deduction, right?"
Ranged Attack "I guess people are attracted to the Ranged Attack skill because it can attack targets even from afar."
Playing Instrument "A thought came to me after hearing about playing instruments...

So... do you think people should just play what's in the score?
'Cause, you know, sometimes... You want to play something new with your new instrument...
I feel like it's a bit of a frustrating thing to ignore the melody in your heart while playing just because of the score."

Composing "I think being able to compose is a blessing from the gods to humans.

There are some Spirits that can make songs of the Spirits... But a Spirit like me could never do such a thing.
(Character Name), just between you and me... I'm actually tone-deaf."

Tailoring "It is a pretty useful skill, as far as I know... But to make something like what I'm wearing right now... That would be too difficult, right?

Spirit clothes are not actual clothes, anyway... Hey, in a sense, I made this myself."

Magnum Shot "Oh. If I'd known that's what you meant by Magnum Shot, I could've given you an answer more quickly...

Now I know that it's a skill to shoot with more force, by pulling back the string as hard as possible. ...Seems obvious, doesn't it?"

Counterattack "Counterattack skill... Hmm... So this is... It's a skill that counteracts enemy attacks, right? Leaves the enemy open for a big hit.

But I heard that people who use this a lot can't be trusted.
Do you know what that means, by any chance?"

Smash Skill "Did you say... Smash?

What do I do... should I say this or not... Oh, sorry. Don't mind me...
I'll just... tell you next time."

Gathering "When we talk about this, I realize the way of life for humans is different from Spirits...

Ah, what have I been saying? I'm sorry."

Fishing Skill "Oh, I know about that. It's a skill that's used for fishing.

Though it does appear that some people use it not only for fishing..."

Lute "Lute is the name of an instrument. I heard it's one of the most common instruments, too."
Teardrop of the Spirit "Eh? Are you... going to make me cry? Ah... you're mean...

Oh... that's not it... You're talking about this.
...I misunderstood you. I'm sorry."

Failed Keyword
"I would really love to help...

But I just have no idea."

"Well... um...

Sorry. I have no idea."

"I don't know why you keep asking me these difficult questions..."

Level 80-100

Level 80-100
Info Tab Idle " " " "
Enhancement Tab Idle " " " "
After Enhancement " " " "
Growth Tab Idle " " " "
After Feeding " " " "
On Level Up " " " "
Chat Tab Idle "What is it that you want to say to me?" "What do you want to say?"
Private Story "I tend to stutter on subjects that I'm not well versed in.

Surely, (Character Name)... Surely you won't make fun of me for that?"

Nearby Rumors "I meant to ask...

We'll be together for a long, long time... Right, (Character Name)?"

Skills "Ahh... I have yet to reveal the full extent of my powers to you, (Character Name).

There exist powers that draw Spirit strength to the maximum."

Part-Time Jobs "I heard that Part-Time Jobs are a lot of pressure from residents, right?"
Classes and Training "(Character Name), do you go to school? I heard there are people who learn without going to such a place."
Rest "Rest skill? I know a lot about that. It's the best skill for resting after an exhausting trip. The thing is, people are different from us Spirits. They're bound to the shackles of their physical body...

But sometimes I envy the humans for that. We're spiritual beings. We treat the weapon as our home and body. I sometimes wonder how it would feel to be a physical being who can move at will...
Hey, what does it feel like?"

Ranged Attack "You do know that the more you use your Ranged Attack, the more precise your arrows will be, right?

It makes sense. It would be heartbreaking to shoot an expensive arrow only to have it not make it to the target, and become lost."

Playing Instrument "It looks like people really put in their best when it comes to music...

That's why I find human beings so interesting."

Composing "I... have something I'd like to say... I heard some people write songs FOR people they care about...

I wonder how a song like that would make me feel...
It's probably an emotion only humans can feel... right?"

Tailoring "I heard those with a high Tailoring skill deliver to Clothing Shops and such. I think it's really cool to be acknowledged for your skill like that.

To think that people will buy and wear the clothes you've made...
Heh, I'm kinda jealous of them now."

Magnum Shot "Magnum Shot is a skill that's practiced by Archers. I heard it lets you shoot your arrow or bolt with more force than normal.

When you're suffering from injuries in battle, I'm sure help from these Archers is desperately needed...
Please don't try to fight alone... For you, and for me, who's always by your sise[sic]."

Counterattack "The opponent sometimes provokes you to bait out a Counterattack. So when you're fighting, always keep this in mind.

If you were to pretend to use a Counterattack skill, it might be a good way to confuse the opponent."

Smash Skill "Yes, if you practice the Smash skill hard, it'll really help you out.

Just don't hit too hard with the weapon I'm in...
It hurts..."

Gathering "Once you learn the Gathering skill, you can obtain many things from nature. Not just the flowers in the field and the water from the lake, but you can also get food and firewood from trees. That's not all. You can get minerals from mines... I remember that's how I met you...

I think Gathering is the most basic skill for humans living with nature.
However, avoid profiting off of anything ruinous to nature.
There are people who, due to their greed, devise ways to obtain more even though they don't need it...
...(Character Name), you're not such a person, are you?"

Fishing Skill "I heard Water Spirits like to mess with fishers, and send them other items. It's partly for fun, and partly to spare the fish.

I'm more interested in the objects than the fish anyway.
Though the more I think about it... Those Water Spirits should be less stingy with their items."

Lute "It's an instrument that's played by plucking the strings... But it looks like people don't use it only to play music...

They're crossing into my territory! I cannot forgive them!!"

Teardrop of the Spirit "Eh? Are you... going to make me cry? Ah... you're mean...

Oh... that's not it... You're talking about this.
...I misunderstood you. I'm sorry."

Failed Keyword
"I would really love to help...

But I just have no idea."

"Well... um...

Sorry. I have no idea."

"I don't know why you keep asking me these difficult questions..."