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Spirit Weapon/Spirit Quotes/Male Cylinder Quotes

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Ego Male Cylinder.png
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Level 1-40

Level 1-40
Info Tab Idle "Ah, what are you staring for?
Don't you know Spirits like privacy too?"
"A Spirit's appearance depends on the contractor's taste.
In other words, the appearance you see right now isn't really who we are. It's just an image to make it easier to interact with you.
...So, this is what you like. Huh."
Enhancement Tab Idle "Are you raising the performance of my body?" "It's time I learn something new, but..."
After Enhancement "Should I take my growth as a sign of your interest in me?" "The finish is a bit lacking, but my ability went up."
Growth Tab Idle "You take care of me better than I thought.
This is unexpected."
"I just needed a light item for a snack right now."
After Feeding "Thank you. I'll be able to gain new knowledge today." "The bond between us has deepened with this."
On Level Up "I feel very satisfied.
The level of my main body went up."
"I feel the performance of my main body increased... That's right.
I went up another level."
Chat Tab Idle "Do you... like me?" "I want to have a deeper conversation with you."
Private Story "As you already know, my name is (Spirit Name).

I've been asleep inside that fossil for a such a long time... You could not comprehend the length of time.
There were periods when I couldn't tell if I was awake or not."

Nearby Rumors "Rumors between humans... Wouldn't you know more about such a thing than I do?

I don't really interact with others, so... I don't have much knowledge of it yet."

Skills "You're already equipped with an abundance of abilities, and there's nothing for me to really teach you."
Part-Time Jobs "Anyone can take Part-Time Jobs to help villagers with their random errands."
Classes and Training "The School in Tir Chonaill is famous for its support of newcomers.

The Dunbarton School is also good, but focuses on more advanced lessons. I say, if you can skip the easy stuff, do it."

Rest "I like resting. Who doesn't? Sometimes, I just want to forget it all and relax all day..."
Ranged Attack "Hmm, I guess they could be related...

Is this something I should know?"

Playing Instrument "I don't know why, but I get angry when I hear that.

Why do you suppose that is?"

Composing "Just bring me something to eat, already! Why are you being such a slowpoke? Don't ask questions I can't answer!"
Tailoring "What is this skill now? And why should I care?"
Magnum Shot "That doesn't sound useful OR interesting. What's the point?"
Counterattack "Is that where you attack the bartender? Over the counter?"
Smash Skill "Smash sounds pretty strong. Is that a drink?"
Gathering "Do you really want to talk about that? I can't fathom why..."
Fishing Skill "Is that one of those Gathering skills?"
Lute "Isn't that an instrument?"
Teardrop of the Spirit "You wish to see me cry? You're weird, (Character Name)...

Why would you want to see me cry? What's your true motivation for this?
Do you even know what the Teardrops of the Spirit are for? They are my blessings, crystallized into physical form."

Failed Keyword
"I don't even want to see your face right now.

You've gotten so boring..."

"I don't get why you are asking, but...

I just don't understand. Heh heh heh."

"Hmm. Sorry, not interested."

Level 40-80

Level 40-80
Info Tab Idle "Don't look at me like that.
It makes me want to bother you."
"Every time I see you, I want to know more about you...
Like whether you're interested in me, or what else you like."
Enhancement Tab Idle "What perfect timing.
I also wanted to raise my performance."
"Today is a nice weather for researching.
You are welcome to join me anytime."
After Enhancement "I feel very satisfied.
My ability grew significantly."
"Seeing how my ability grew, I feel great..."
Growth Tab Idle "I think it's time I absorb a new item.
Did you say you had something small and glittering for me?"
"I'm very happy that you take care of me so often."
After Feeding "You look fresh today.
And I'm not saying this because of the item."
"Wow, you brought this valuable thing for me. I'm touched."
On Level Up "My level went up.
I'm making steady progress. What's wrong?
Do you not recognize me now?"
"My body leveled up.
I feel I grew a little, and I can see things I couldn't see before."
Chat Tab Idle "You want to talk?

Heh heh. Fine."

"Hmm? Heh heh heh.

It's nothing. Don't mind me."

Private Story "Don't you think it's inefficient to have to feed to acquire knowledge?

Why must Spirits feed on items?
Humans have the freedom to choose a wide variety of methods when it comes to training and improving their abilities.
How is it that Spirits are so limited?"

Nearby Rumors "I hear that a certain boy transforms into a bear at a specific hour.

Isn't that interesting?
I think one can use the powers of Alchemy to transform like that.
Hm... Who shall I use as a guinea pig...?"

Skills "Since the effects of my skill will vary according to my abilities... You must continue to bring me items to feed on.

Just as you've been doing thus far... You must do so forever."

Part-Time Jobs "However, you have to apply at the right time. Apparently, villagers are SO picky about their help, they refuse to accept any if it's not at a time they like."
Classes and Training "Speaking of education... When alchemy was first developed, everything was new Many accidents and tragedies occurred in the name of progress.

Things exploding or freezing during an item combination was nothing unusual, and some unlucky alchemists were even transformed. Of course, without their sacrifices, we wouldn't have the powers we enjoy today. Respect your history!"

Rest "I'm the most relaxed when I get to go somewhere quiet. I can just sit back and revel in the sating of my intellectual appetite, absorbing item after item, just watching time go by.

I feel so much better when I get to gain knowledge on my terms. Don't you think learning is fun?"

Ranged Attack "Ranged attacks are a lot safer than melee attacks. They keep you at a safe distance."
Playing Instrument "People use instruments to play music. I often hear it described as beautiful, but it's really just noise.

If it means something to someone, great, but I just don't get it. Don't worry... I spend my time appreciating more important things."

Composing "Composing is how music gets transcribed to paper. Making Music Scores allows artists to preserve and share their songs.

It takes a long time, too... I'm sure there's something more important people could do with their time.
For example, you could get me more items to feast on!"

Tailoring "It's a skill used to make clothes.

I guess lots of people want clothes made just for them. Tailoring seems like a waste of effort, but I understand the desire to be unique.
My uniqueness is why you like me so much, right?"

Magnum Shot "It's a special archer skill that shoots an extra-powerful arrow."
Counterattack "You could use transmutation on yourself, and have your doppelganger try Counterattack, no?

You've got nothing to lose this way. You have to admit, it's a pretty great plan, huh? Right, let's give it a try. It'll make for a great experiment..."

Smash Skill "I was wondering... Would it be possible to... Combine an area of effect attack and Smash?

Just imagine Smash wreaking havoc over a large area!"

Gathering "In some ways, it's a survival instinct.

People gather food to eat, make clothes by gathering wool to protect themselves...
Thinking about it like this, humans live quite true to their instincts."

Fishing Skill "Fish can be eaten by mortals for food. I guess other fish eat them too.

You can get bigger fish with smaller fish!"

Lute "It's a magical combination of wood and strings.

It produces sad, happy, or romantic sounds, depending on the person playing. It would be a lot easier to just TELL people how you feel, though.
Like I do!"

Teardrop of the Spirit "You wish to see me cry? You're weird, (Character Name)...

Why would you want to see me cry? What's your true motivation for this?
Do you even know what the Teardrops of the Spirit are for? They are my blessings, crystallized into physical form."

Failed Keyword
"I don't even want to see your face right now.

You've gotten so boring..."

"I don't get why you are asking, but...

I just don't understand. Heh heh heh."

"Hmm. Sorry, not interested."

Level 80-100

Level 80-100
Info Tab Idle " " " "
Enhancement Tab Idle " " " "
After Enhancement " " " "
Growth Tab Idle " " " "
After Feeding " " " "
On Level Up " " " "
Chat Tab Idle "Oh, (Character Name)! How have you been?

You don't look so good..."

"Hello, Sample A... I mean (Character Name).

I was, ah, just thinking of talking to you.
Where did we end last time?"

Private Story "I recently found out that humans forbid the practice of human transmutation amongst themselves. Human transmutation would benefit the sick and impaired, though.

These human rules... make no sense sometimes."

Nearby Rumors "I understand that the Druids and Alchemists have quarreled for ages.

The main point of contention seems to be differences in their politics.
I wonder if that's really all there's to it?"

Skills "Do you want to know a secret skill that only spirits know?

You do? Ha ha!
I was just kidding. We... don't actually have any secret skills.
I mean, I can't even emerge from my weapon if you don't call me."

Part-Time Jobs "Certain Part-Time Jobs give you special rewards that aren't given anywhere else.

The Church Part-Time Job gives Holy Water of Lymilark, for example.
You can't make or purchase that.
They've got quite a racket going..."

Classes and Training "Training can be done anywhere, and you can take lessons at Schools. However, isn't actual battle the best training for battle? As long as you are cautious and pick your battles, I say that's the smartest way to train."
Rest "Mortals tend to think we Spirits can go and go without rest. That's just plan rude!

We need sustenance and rest! In fact, we need a lot more than you people.
You'll understand if I'm not always ready to jump out at your call."

Ranged Attack "It doesn't matter if you use ranged, melee, or summon attacks. The most important thing is to keep yourself alive.

How you fight isn't really important!
Do you really think you'll have time to strategize your attacks when a blade is flying at your face? You have to catch your enemies off-guard if you want to win!"

Playing Instrument "You can't have a jam session with yourself, you know.

I'd like to see you try, though! Ha, I can imagine you trying to play an instrument in each hand, and one with your feet!
Maybe you could try playing one with your mouth, too! Ha ha ha!"

Composing "It's easy to transcribe a Music Score even if you don't know much about music. Of course, you need to study a bit before you can write chords.

The real musical geniuses, though, they just play from the heart. I've heard that the best musicians craft their music free-form as they perform.
If you ask me... It's a remarkable talent, wasted on making music. If only I could do that with alchemical formulae... Don't you agree?"

Tailoring "The purpose of clothes has changed over time.

People once wore clothes to protect themselves from harsh weather, but nowadays people wear clothes as a fashion statement.
Well, I don't need special clothes to make a statement about myself!
My personality speaks volumes, doesn't it?"

Magnum Shot "The Magnum Shot is a skill that is commonly used by archers. It is very strong, but has a chance of missing the target."
Counterattack "You might run into enemies immune to ranged attacks at times.

For these enemies, Counterattack might actually come in handy, since they will likely run towards you like fools.
Just be careful not to miss your Counterattack."

Smash Skill "You ask about these ridiculous skills, but don't even consider their value. Fine, fine. I'll do my part in educating you.

Imagine there is a group of enemies charging at you.
You think, "Gee, Smash would be GREAT for thinning these guys out!"
SO, you set up your Smash, and take out one foe in a single strike. Good job! And now you have the rest of his friends crowded around you, beating the daylights out of you.
Smash is only good against a single target, and makes you more vulnerable to groups, (Character Name)."

Gathering "Come to think of it, alchemy itself is the skill developed to make supernatural objects or precious metals from everyday materials. It'd be so much easier if one could simply create gold or silver ores using alchemy, without having to mine such ores yourself.

Why should alchemists be prohibited from making precious ores?"

Fishing Skill "I heard some people actually enjoy sitting around all day, trying to catch fish out of a lake.

Some people even like the sitting part more than the catching part! What's so fun about waiting around?
These people even go so far as to release the fish when they catch them. They just catch and release and catch and release... I suppose playing with living organisms for entertainment isn't such a bad way to spend your time. Is that what you think?"

Lute "Did you know that lutes are one of the oldest string instruments? It looks like a mandolin, but they're two very different instruments.

Or that's what people tell me, anyway. I have no use for music, so... It's all food to me."

Teardrop of the Spirit "You wish to see me cry? You're weird, (Character Name)...

Why would you want to see me cry? What's your true motivation for this?
Do you even know what the Teardrops of the Spirit are for? They are my blessings, crystallized into physical form."

Failed Keyword
"I don't even want to see your face right now.

You've gotten so boring..."

"I don't get why you are asking, but...

I just don't understand. Heh heh heh."

"Hmm. Sorry, not interested."