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Talk:Eabha (Falias)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Eabha's Identity900:42, 5 April 2022
Subject for deletion122:53, 24 July 2011

Eabha's Identity

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 00:42, 5 April 2022

If you speak with Eabha in Falias outside of G12 he will explain that he is one of the many Sons of Manannan mac Lir and he was sent to Falias to collect the white bones of false gods. He also speaks of the Aonbharrs and other stuff.

Pyro - (Talk)19:26, 5 January 2012

Oh? I just went to Falias and he only told me about the Aonbarrs.

Infodude57519:28, 5 January 2012

Close the chat window, talk to him again, repeat.

Pyro - (Talk)19:31, 5 January 2012

So basically "Start a Conversation" leads to various saying, like how Keywords work?

I left Falias anyway. I was only going there to change afflictions.

By the way, if he's Manannan mac Lir's son, wouldn't he count as a Deity?

Infodude57519:32, 5 January 2012

Exactly. As for him being a Deity, that I am not entirely sure about, but it is highly likely. However, anything we write down at this point would only ever be speculation.

Pyro - (Talk)20:28, 5 January 2012

Well, Manannan mac Lir is the God of the Sea in both the mythology and here, according to the NPCs. If Eabha is truly his son, then there's no doubt he shares the Deity bloodline. Lets just leave it as that.

Infodude57521:26, 5 January 2012

But he might be in mortal form like Macha is. The point is, we don't have enough info to draw that point.

Pyro - (Talk)22:59, 5 January 2012

Why be in mortal form? What purpose will that do? o-o

Infodude57523:49, 5 January 2012

The point was, we don't know for sure. o.o

Pyro - (Talk)23:59, 5 January 2012

I think we can just leave it as Deity, since he does claim to be a son of a God.

Infodude57500:00, 6 January 2012

Subject for deletion

Technically, its the same Eabha, and the Homunculus remains a spoiler. I think its better to leave the two in one page.

Also, there is NO EVIDENCE that this one was is the Homunculus.

Infodude57510:45, 13 February 2011

Actually, he straight out states his an entity entirely unrelated to Eabha. The one in Taillteann is more likely the Homunculus. This one does the old "in the form of a being you can accept" cliche.

Pyro - (Talk)22:53, 24 July 2011