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Nexon's failure as usual. but this time, a discovery?

Nexon's failure as usual. but this time, a discovery?

Though the above conversations are old, i just felt like replying to them in general and also adding some new information to those that may read it. During the recent glitch from nexon's failure (AGAIN, lol) as of 3/17/2011 having been fixed it will not be as obvious, minimum damage and maximum damage from titles and possibly enchants as well affect alchemy skills. in this case at least flame burst. This glitch in case nobody had experienced or heard of it, was one that glitched titles to give the intended stat boost as normally given, but upon picking up two or more items in a row, increasing the characters stats again by that same title. the effects being stacked together each time resulting in a character achieving the maximum 999 in each corresponding stat eventually. my point here being, i watched as my friend soloed hardmode difficulty mission shadow wizard, doing with a single charge with r9 alchemy mastery and a single charge of rA flame burst of 3000 damage per monster per hit without a critical hit (also eep in mind these monsters have high protection and defense). He used the shadow hero title to stack together endless minimum and maximum damage together. It should be tested that minimum and maximum damage in the characters stat window increases ones damage output with alchemy. that is all, thank you~

~Christian Kenney~03:08, 19 March 2011