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Defense and Counterattack may not be used with a lance equipped.

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Lances List

True, lance doesn't have much, but I don't want it to have even less!

AP isn't so bad, especially with the free talent ap now :)

DANTE20XX (talk)20:33, 27 July 2015

As much as I don't like redundancy and copypaste skills, more stats is better than none.

Infodude575 (talk)20:49, 27 July 2015

We should tell devCat to implement a skill that does literally nothing but every rank gives you a ton of stats.

Infodude575 (talk)00:21, 28 July 2015

You have an odd definition of "a ton of stats".


Oh well. I'm an elf, so I really don't care about lances. lol.

This explains everything!

DANTE20XX (talk)02:52, 28 July 2015