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Artisan Upgrades

Artisan Upgrades

The x~y numbers refer to how much the stat would be if rolled at all. For example, a broad sword can get "Luck: +4 ~ +20" That means it can either get 0 luck or somewhere within that range but not 1~3. That being said, it's incorrect to turn Shield of Avon's protection and defense from 1~2 to 0~2 because it can't be if it is a rolled status. Sometimes all statuses roll, sometimes only one rolls. (And in some cases like Broad swords, you can end up with only a downgrade.)

Pyro - (Talk)03:33, 8 May 2012

Alright thanks, I wasn't sure if i should've put 0~2 (as I got a 0 artisan), or if the stat rolls note applied to just the one thing

Setzer20:02, 23 May 2012