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From Mabinogi World Wiki

About Me

I am known to my friends as Kiri, and I apparently like making things difficult for myself because I have 4 main characters on Mabinogi that I level, train skills on, rebirth, and clothe consistently.

From top to bottom: Imprisoned, Safi, Sanika, Lmprisoned
IGN Server Guild Race Transformation
Imprisoned Tarlach Equinox () Human (F) Champion
Safi Tarlach Equinox Elf (F) Falcon Sage
Sanika Tarlach Equinox Giant (F) Beast Lord
Lmprisoned Tarlach Equinox Human (M) Infrablack

I like making friends, but I'm not really into random adds. On wiki, I mostly just keep to myself and tidy up pages and fill in missing information.

This userpage is a work in progress.