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From Mabinogi World Wiki
Portrait of DeclanFile:Declan.png
Race Human
Gender Male
Occupation Mercenary
Track The Indisputable Wisdom of Age

Website Description

As a mercenary, Declan has strong intuition and years of experience. His cheerful personality unites others around him makes Declan indispensable. But there is a shadow behind the smile, belying his difficult past and the rough road ahead.


—Generation 26 Microsite[1]


The history of countless battles is etched across his body, from his firm muscles to his scarred face. Beneath wine-dark hair, he looks at you with the kind of relaxed smile that comes from going through good times and bad. Despite his easygoing demeanor, it's clear he's got a lifetime of experience.


Mainstream Story

Spoiler icon.png This part of the current article contains spoilers.


  • This NPC cannot be interacted with Keywords.


  • Declan's Set (Unobtainable)


Track Title
The Indisputable Wisdom of Age
Declan's theme

