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Generation 26: Winds of Fate

From Mabinogi World Wiki

< Generation 25: Eclipse

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Generation 26: Winds of Fate

File:Chapter 8 Mainstream Icon.png

Generation 26 continues the storyline in the wake of the events of Generation 25: Eclipse. With the release of the seal to Noitar Arat, Divine Beasts make their appearance around Erinn. In order to overcome this new crisis, Eirawen and Etain recruit mercenaries to resolve the situation.

Depending on your choices through the story in part 1, you will be awarded with one of the following titles:

  • who Seeks to Bring Order
  • who Strives for a Better Life
  • who Dreams of a New World

NPCs involved in Winds of Fate

Part 1: A Step Towards Destiny


Name NPC

Part 2


Name NPC
