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From Mabinogi World Wiki
Portrait of DelgaFile:Delga.png
Race Unknown
Gender Female
Track Land of Blooming Solitude

Website Description

Once part of a mercenary group, Delga now wanders Uladh alone. Her confident eyes burn with blue flame and determination, even if the rest of her appearance is slight. Delga traces the path of her future endlessly.


—Generation 26 Microsite[1]


The first thing you notice is her eyes: like cold bronze, they seem like they'd shine even in the darkest night. Her sharp gaze pins you in place. Her silver hair is tangled like wild grasses in a strong wind. Everything about her, from her stern, unfamiliar clothes to the mole on her white cheeks, seems to demand silence.


Mainstream Story

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  • This NPC cannot be interacted with Keywords.


  • Delga's Set (Unobtainable)


Track Title
Land of Blooming Solitude
Delga's theme

