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Sturdy Finest Silk Pouch

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Inventory icon of Sturdy Finest Silk Pouch

2 × 2

A sturdier, more spacious pouch that can hold up to 500 sheets of Finest Silk. Hold the SHIFT key and click the pouch to remove a specified quantity of Finest Silk.



  • Multiple copies of this item may be owned.
  • Can be used to stack specific items beyond their normal stack limit.
  • Can be stored in the bank regardless of stack size.
  • Cannot be used to set up a personal shop.

Trade Limitations

  • Can be dropped and destroyed. When dropped, it cannot be picked up by others.
  • Can be sold to others.
  • Can be traded with others.
  • Can be put in the bank and withdrawn by other characters.
  • Can be stored in a pet.

Methods to Obtain
