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Talk:Fire Storm

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Damage Rating113:50, 26 August 2011
Knockdown512:57, 25 July 2011

Damage Rating

Is there a damage rating for Fire Storm and Flame Dive? Or do they just knockback doing little to no damage? Either way, I think this should be mentioned--Kingman186 13:31, 26 August 2011 (UTC)

Kingman18606:31, 26 August 2011

Same goes for Thunder Storm, I assume.

Pyro - (Talk)13:50, 26 August 2011

Can someone confirm that Fire Horses' AoE knocksdown enemies rather than stunning? Same with Flame Dive, please.

Pyro - (Talk)12:33, 25 July 2011

Does that really need confirmation? Lololol. I'm sorry, it's just too obvious. :c


Meaning it stuns surrounding enemies like the other AOEs?

Pyro - (Talk)12:42, 25 July 2011

No, I mean like.. once you summon it, everything runs about 10 feet away. 8D


Seriously?.... That is definitely different from the other AOEs....

Pyro - (Talk)12:54, 25 July 2011

(not literally run away. knockback. :l)