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Talk:HP & Stamina 300 Potion

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Can we get a poton Table in here?720:38, 17 October 2011

Can we get a poton Table in here?

I tried to do it but i'm new to this, so it did not work. if you could also lemme know how you did it. o-O;

Feralchampow19:45, 17 October 2011

I've made the table for it. I've also noticed this potion only recovers 100 instead of the said 300. I've tested it out.

Kiyoura19:52, 17 October 2011

Thanks, mind sharing how to create a table. i tried to copy one from the hp&sp 100 table with some of the information edited, but it didn't show up as a table when i pasted it onto this page.

Feralchampow19:57, 17 October 2011

The table uses a template on another page which is usually "Template:Name of item". In there you place all the coding and formatting of the table. On the actual page you have to place this {DataTalk:HP & Stamina 300 Potion/Can we get a poton Table in here?/reply (3)|format=StylePotion}} so that the wiki will use the information written on the template to display it in the format of the "StylePotion" format.

Kiyoura20:09, 17 October 2011

Aww it seems you beat me to the HpMp 300 table, ;~; i was trying to get it right

Feralchampow20:30, 17 October 2011

Sorry about that.

Kiyoura20:31, 17 October 2011

It's perfectly fine, it had to be done, i was still tryin to figure it out. in the recent changes what does the (+##) or (-##) mean?

Feralchampow20:33, 17 October 2011

It means the amount of characters that were added to the particular page.

Kiyoura20:38, 17 October 2011