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Talk:Music (Talent)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Talent EXP Update017:06, 4 August 2024

Talent EXP Update

This whole thing needs to be updated. I just updated Lullaby's EXP to the correct amount. My Lullaby update is based off ranking an Elf. Few things I want to consider:

1) Was Talent EXP adjusted when we got the revamp of easier skill updates, or were these numbers wrong the whole time? 2) If the above is the case, do all the talents need to be updated? 3) Is there EXP differences between all the races?

For anyone pitching in, if you're changing anything, the formula for EXP:AP ratio is simply just (Rank 1 Skill Talent EXP / Rank 1 AP Cost). Don't wanna do this all myself lmao but I have to for personal stuff I'm working on.

Phantasms (talk)17:06, 4 August 2024