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Talk:OX Quiz Event (2012)/Questions

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
About changed answers,,,220:25, 25 November 2012

About changed answers,,,

Hello all here, well, i want to be quick on this, in the new table of the questions from the Quiz OX v2 (thanks to all) i find like 5 questions changed from position, from true to false and vise versa, so i want plant this... can uh "block" this table or somethink like that for evite the trolls make stupidities? Rly, i lose 5 events thanks to this problem :/

Zelgadis21 (talk)18:12, 25 November 2012

I would like to agree on this, for a mod please ban the user that changed the question:

The highest mountain peak in South America is Aconcagua.

It is in false, should be under true, check logs and see if someone changed it.


Linxindao (talk)20:03, 25 November 2012

I would like to point out to User:Zelgadis21 that vandalism on the wiki isn't tolerated such as switching true questions to false, which is what they did if you check their contributions page. It is especially not tolerable to pretend that you "figured this whole mishap out" and start a discussion over it when you were the one who did it in the first place. Thank you User:Linxindao for bringing this to my attention in-game. ^^

♥šεεçrετ♥ (talk)20:24, 25 November 2012