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Talk:Salvation Bow

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Balance upgrades are wrong.018:40, 14 May 2015
Artisan001:00, 21 March 2015
Incorrect information on the page.116:15, 16 December 2014

Balance upgrades are wrong.

Looking at Nerys with my salvation bow is wrong.
The order from 1 to 4 is 2,4,6,8
The wiki has it as 2,3,4,6
Can anyone please look into this, I dislike making a wrong edit.

JamerH (talk)18:39, 14 May 2015

A few rounds:

Maximum HP +5
Luck +40
Maximum Stamina +3
Dex +11
Luck +30
Maximum HP +5
Luck +54
Maximum HP +4
Dex +28
Maximum HP +5
Luck +27
Luck +28
Maximum HP +6
Luck +67
Maximum HP +4
Dex +5
Dex +27
Luck +45
Maximum HP +6
Luck +52
Luck +62
Maximum HP +6
Maximum HP +4
Luck +33
Dex +22
Maximum HP +4
Luck +18
Maximum Stamina +4
Dex +21
Maximum HP +5
Maximum Stamina +4
Luck +68
Dex +29
Azz (talk)01:00, 21 March 2015

Incorrect information on the page.

I apologize for my lack of knowledge on wiki editing, but for those of you who didn't know all of the Apostle Weapons are Special Upgradeable, I just don't know how to change that on this page. I also didn't know how to add defense as a stat in the "Other Information" section, hence the "UNKSTAT". If anyone can fix this it would be greatly appreciated.

Nocki (talk)16:05, 16 December 2014



Sakura502 (talk)16:15, 16 December 2014