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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Dex Gain420:12, 3 July 2024

Hey, whoever is adding the Dex stat gain for Rank C-6, I think you got it wrong. I don't recall it giving two or three Dex PER rank. Especially, when the tooltip upon level up straight up says +1 (at Rank 2).

And it might just be me, but I doubt that the Dex gains go from +4 per rank to +1 for two levels, just to go back to +4.

Osmiux (talk)08:41, 19 June 2024

When did you take your screenshot? It's possible they've adjusted the dex awarded by these skills since you ranked them.

I haven't been screenshotting mine, unfortunately. I will provide one next time I change something.

Nootica (talk)10:05, 29 June 2024

Relatively recently. Strange. I'm assuming that you're playing on NA servers, right?

Edit: This also just clicked in my mind. I'm playing a human. Elves might have different stat growths.

Osmiux (talk)16:04, 2 July 2024

I'm playing an elf, so that's probably it. And yes, NA Server.

Sounds like significant changes are needed now. @_@

Nootica (talk)20:12, 3 July 2024