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Talk:Valencia's Cross Line Plate Boots

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
I found an Eweca Orb Version.216:12, 26 November 2013
Split into male and female gallery?219:25, 25 May 2012

I found an Eweca Orb Version.

There's a couple of differences, The Description and the lack of Enhances. It also mentions Devon. Should this be..I don't know, be noted? [1]

Tojakiro (talk)16:04, 26 November 2013

While yes, it should be noted (or maybe put on it's own page), but who the hell is Devon? D:

You know what, I'll just make the page

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)16:06, 26 November 2013

All I know is that a Devon exists in the Transformation Diary.

Infodude575 (talk)16:12, 26 November 2013

Split into male and female gallery?

just wondering since well...the boots changes shape between the genders...(I make it sound like there's more than 2 genders...xox;;)

Mikaya11:53, 1 February 2012


I did that a few hours ago, does it look okay?

Zey18:16, 25 May 2012

Looks fine to me.

S•A•R•I•A19:25, 25 May 2012