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Template:DataMonsterSong of Grief

From Mabinogi World Wiki
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{{{{{format}}} |Name=Song of Grief |Page=Song of Grief |Image=Song of Grief (Curiosity)

|Dungeon=*Sidhe Finnachaid (Curiosity)

|Speed=Very Slow |Element= |Aggro=y |MultiAggro=? |AggroRange=Very Far |AggroSpeed=Very Fast

|BeginnerHP=275,110 - 550,210 |BeginnerMeleeDamage= |BeginnerRangedDamage= |BeginnerDefense= |BeginnerProtection=16 |BeginnerEXP=25000 - 36250 |BeginnerGold=0 |BeginnerCrit= |BeginnerCP=40000 |BeginnerDropMisc= |BeginnerDropEquip=

|IntermediateHP=1,237,960 - 2,475,910 |IntermediateMeleeDamage= |IntermediateRangedDamage= |IntermediateDefense= |IntermediateProtection=22 |IntermediateEXP=43750 |IntermediateGold= |IntermediateCrit= |IntermediateCP=100000 |IntermediateDropMisc= |IntermediateDropEquip=

|AdvancedHP=? - 5,502,010 |AdvancedMeleeDamage= |AdvancedRangedDamage= |AdvancedDefense= |AdvancedProtection=27 |AdvancedEXP= |AdvancedGold= |AdvancedCrit= |AdvancedCP= |AdvancedDropMisc= |AdvancedDropEquip=

|Notes=*Power of Conquest: A Spear of Light-like move that has infinite range and reduces your defense and protection. It is concentrated in a small area but will deal AOE if you are within range. A divine linked pet out of your range would be ideal. Keep in mind this move also ignores the invincibility frames when divine linking a pet.

    • Beginner: Defense 50, Protection 30 reduction.
    • Intermediate: Defense 80, Protection 50 reduction.
    • Advanced: ?
  • Divine Power: A black shadow that will follow your character. It is slightly faster than base human speed but can be outrun if you're faster than it yet will take a few moments to disappear. Ignores mana shield.
    • Beginner: 250 damage.
    • Intermediate: 350 damage.
    • Advanced: 400 damage.
  • Unholy Power: Short ranged attack around boss, that behaves like a narrow-ranged Shockwave.
  • Padist Movement: When health is below 50%, the boss will get invincibility frames before summoning circles on the ground that will explode after a small period of time. Being hit by one of these blasts will slow movement speed for a short while. The amount of circles summoned each time increases as the bosses health decreases.
  • Natural protection
    • Beginner: 10 (16% damage reduction)
    • Intermediate: 15 (22% damage reduction)
    • Advanced: 20 (27% damage reduction, Bone Dragon and Mir are enough to reduce to 0 protection)
  • Can teleport to the player if far away

