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the Girgashiy Challenger

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Number Name Hint Description Hint Requirement Title Description Requirement(s) Effects
* the Girgashiy Challenger (unknown) (unknown) A title of honor given for ranking 3rd place in the Very Hard Mode Girgashiy Mission's weekly ranking. Get third place in Weekly Ranking of Girgashiy Very Hard Raid, and use a Girgashiy Challenger Title Coupon
Note: Title expires 7 days after obtaining.
Critical +6%
Max Damage +13
Max HP +40
Max MP +40
Strength +11

Related Enchants

Name Type, Rank Enchants Onto Effect(s) Comes On/From

Girgashiy Suffix, 8 Two-handed Weapons
Critical +15%
Max Damage +30~35
When using "the Girgashiy Challenger" title Max HP +40
When using "the Girgashiy Eradicator" title Max HP +60
When using "the Girgashiy Slayer" title Max HP +80
Strength +30~50
x4 Repair Cost
Enchant Scroll (Girgashiy Very Hard Raid), Exclusive Enchant Scroll(The First Battle of Mag Tuireadh)