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Apostle Difficulty

Apostle Difficulty

Edited by author.
Last edit: 13:29, 13 March 2015

Judging from this video:

  • Takes place in Gairech Hills.
  • At ~90%, Girgashiy can summon crystal monsters. They have a lot of HP but no Advanced Heavy Stander. The boars are really slow but the wolves are fast, and the wolves appear to have level 3 Heavy Stander.
  • Holy Contagion's spread range is much larger, appears to be doubled.
  • Fanaticism gives it a defense buff, or is probably a byproduct of strength which may have been significantly increased.
  • The #/10 on the top right appears to be a death counter, that is, die too many times and raid auto fails.
  • Windmill OP.
Infodude575 (talk)16:14, 17 December 2014

Any explanations on the weird hp bar? It's wonky as hell in this video.

Blargel (talk)18:13, 17 December 2014

No idea. It's been wonky on a lot of other KR videos too.

Infodude575 (talk)19:30, 17 December 2014