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speculation page

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Sand Pile
bring on a lawsuit


Now let's get back to talking about this.

  • First, they would request C&D. I guess you can call this, that.
    • They have made their request. I have fulfilled their request (removal of "IDs [for whatever retarded reasoning], unnecessary tags, and other things we aren't using").
  • Second, even if they were to go for a C&D, would they really bother with a wiki first? There are assloads of sites that would be way more beneficial to take down first, e.g. modding sites.
    • They haven't.
  • Third, Nexon doesn't really care. Have you looked at Maplestory? Have you noticed the plethora of database/modding/hacking sites there are for Maplestory? Do you know how many have been taken down because of "data-mining"? As far as I know, 0.
    • We've been data mining information before, during, and after their little scare. They. don't. really. care.
  • Fourth, "No posting of 'data-mined' information" was only a rule in the Mabinogi Forums. That rule, as far as I know, does not apply here and there is nothing in the policy (not that any of you have been reading it. "NO VANDALISM" is in there also; you don't see that not happening) that forbids it.
  • Fifth, they have better things to do, like fixing the entire damn game.