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my first edit

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

I um.. appreciate your edit and it's without errors, I think. I just don't know if you can edit this kind of stuff? I think there is something on the "Wiki Policy" and a lot of ppl says you can't use info from other sources nor from other servers, so you would be doing something wrong but then so everyone who put all the skills that are about to come, all the "FutureContent" thingy and all the Nekojima thingy are all wrong. I just don't know anymore and would like if a admin/ppl who know, could help and clarify this to me, cuz I'd be happy to go thru some info gathering (maybe playing the kr test, maybe going on forums that ppl just want to share the information) and rearrange the tables for skills that are coming, their damage and all. Even if I'd have to edit it every week as new info could change before coming to NA, I wouldn't mind. But, in my worthless opinion, it's a nice edit and more of this kind should be done, some informations are everywhere and it isn't here and all is needed is a "Coming on G18" before saying about them. Like all the new stats revamp we will get, why not talk about it here? If we can't then we shouldn't have images nor a page for Gunner/new Magic skills.

kkami (talk)06:31, 14 May 2013