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Lifeskills and part-time jobs

Lifeskills and part-time jobs

For a couple of years now I have been testing what lifeskill affect others. Even with the new update on the part-time jobs, the old way of advancing are unaffected by simply doing the task; the player must learn other lifeskills. Ranking up one skill alone will not be gain the player anymore of what that job has to offer, the player needs other skills and rank them up to even see other recipes and use the items the ptj gives. I have been always testing what I find but have just focused on the affects of handicraft, carpentry, and weaving. They need each other. Similarly magic craft and hillwen engineering need each other but not so much on ptj's. Although the player can just obtain and buy resources and materials the player can be efficient if they have other lifeskills that support others with different lifeskills. I was trying to at first test which lifeskill and rank individually but have notice that it did not open/advance part time jobs, until I learn another lifeskill also ranked that other one also.

Ryuuri (talk)06:45, 23 July 2024

A skill being 'affected by others' and items being required to craft X or Y is very different; the first does not occur at all in the game.

I'll use Handicraft as an example; on a character that is freshly new, with rank F handicraft, even without having learned Weaving or other production life skills, the crafting list will show everything that the player can craft, regardless of their rank or what skills they have. Spider Traps will show in the list regardless of the player knowing Spider Shot.

Although the player will not be able to craft certain items with their current rank, but that is normal; The player does not have to source the materials themselves; that's what trading and selling life materials always was for.

Other than some exceptions with phantasmal sight being required to see certain recipes (which is a part of that skill's gimmick to start with), what you wrote comes across as very confusing statements.

Ivy (talk)09:14, 23 July 2024

Ascon's part time job, thick-spar part-time job. The new player can have the task/ptj but will not be able to do anything nor use anything since the recipe is not available to them. Is one reason I want to address this. There is also light silk part time job that was finally unlocked until I got weaving at a higher rank.

Ryuuri (talk)11:22, 23 July 2024

Ascon's part time job, thick-spar part-time job. The new player can have the task/ptj but will not be able to do anything nor use anything since the recipe is not available to them. Is one reason I want to address this. There is also light silk part time job that was finally unlocked until I got weaving at a higher rank.

Ryuuri (talk)11:22, 23 July 2024

Part-time jobs effectively do not check your skill rank, so that can happen, yes. That doesn't mean the skills are interdependent the way you describe it.

Ivy (talk)11:26, 23 July 2024