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Butter Grilled Reef Lobster

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Inventory icon of Butter Grilled Reef Lobster

2 × 1
Stack: 1

Name Butter Grilled Reef Lobster
NPC Resale Value Method Edible Hunger Restored Cooking EXP Catering
0 G Baking Yes 25 200

Reef Lobster (50%) Butter (37%) Garlic (13%)

Purchase Location
No known purchase locations.
Other Locations
Physical Change
Weight -1 Upper 0 Lower 0
Five Star HP MP SP Str Int Dex Will Luck Min Damage Max Damage Magic Attack Def Prot MDef MProt
- - - -10 - +40 - - - - - - - - -
Gradual Stat Change HP MP SP Str Int Dex Will Luck

A succulent lobster dish, found only in the fanciest restaurants. The lobster is basted in a rich butter sauce and then lightly grilled to sear in the flavor.

Used In


  • Required as a sacrifice for Bow and Crossbow item types. Upgrades a Rank S - Lv25 item to Rank S - Lv26 when successful.
    • The food item must be 5-Star (5 star.png) in order to qualify for sacrifice.

Trade Limitations

  • Can be dropped and destroyed. When dropped, it can picked up by others.
  • Can be sold via Personal Shops.
  • Can be sold via the Auction House.
  • Can be traded with others.
  • Can be put in the bank and withdrawn by other characters.
  • Can be stored in a pet.