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Divine Party Phoenix Feather

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Web Shop Icon
For other variants, see Phoenix Feather (disambiguation).


Inventory icon of Divine Party Phoenix Feather

1 × 1
Stack: 10

This feather has the power to raise any or all unconscious members in your party. Party members revived with this feather recovers HP, MP, Stamina, and Wound. Press the 'Ctrl+J' key to use immediately.

Used In

  • Used to revive all unconscious party members.
    • The user and unconscious players must be in the same map.
    • The members of the party must have "Wait for Rescue" option selected before the Party Phoenix Feather is used, otherwise they will not be revived.
    • Will not resurrect other players inside PvP Battle Arenas.
    • The user of the Party Phoenix Feather will receive EXP based on the number of party members revived.


Cannot be stored in special inventory.
Cannot be stored on pets.
Cannot be traded.
Bound to the player.

Methods to Obtain
