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Category:Enhancement Totems

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Enhancement Totem)

Basic Information

  • This category is for totems that have the Enhancement capability.


Regular Enhancements

  • Regular enhancements add basic statistics to the item.
  • Use an Onyx to add basic stats, until there are no more attempts remaining.
    • Each stat roll will be added to the existing stat bonuses.
    • It is possible to fail the enhancement, in which case zero stat changes are applied.
    • A fail counts as an attempt.
  • When the item has 10 or fewer regular enhancement attempts remaining, the roll can be augmented with an Additional Stat Stone (Regular).
    • The Additional Stat Stone adds +2 to the next roll if enhancement succeeds.
    • Regardless of whether the roll was successful or not, the effects of the Additional Stat Stone effect will be consumed and must be reapplied.

Note: Gem Powders

Secondary Enhancements

  • Secondary enhancements add special abilities to the item.
  • A totem must deplete all Regular Enhancements before starting Secondary Enhancement.
  • Use a Fine Onyx to add a special ability.
    • This roll cannot fail.
    • Using another Fine Onyx will reroll and replace the existing ability.
  • Secondary Enhancement rolls can be augmented with an Additional Stat Stone (Secondary).
    • The Additional Stat Stone adds +2 to the next roll and will need to be reapplied for any subsequent Secondary rolls.

Possible Stat Bonuses

If an enhancement is a great success, 2x stats will be applied.
If an enhancement succeeds under the effects of an Additional Stat Stone (Regular), +2 stats will be applied.

  • +2 HP
  • +2 MP
  • +2 Stamina
  • +2 Strength
  • +2 Intelligence
  • +2 Dexterity
  • +2 Will
  • +2 Luck

Possible Ability Bonuses

If an enhancement succeeds under the effects of an Additional Stat Stone (Secondary), +2 stats will be applied.


  • All Enhancement Totems can be fragmented in a dry oven, for 1 Fine Onyx.
    • Success rates are based on the rank of Fragmentation and related titles/enchants.

See Also

Pages in category "Enhancement Totems"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.