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Talk:All Skill Reset Capsule

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
I don't want this.101:30, 19 June 2017

I don't want this.

I was given an event one for the return event. It doesn't have the destroy option and I can't drop it. I would just use it and re level the skills, but I don't want to lose the current exp. I've tryed selling it, gifting it, burning it, synthesis, and I'm running out of ideas. How can I get rid of it?

Kinta Nara (talk)20:06, 18 June 2017

You will have to send a ticket to Nexon to get it removed. It'll take them only 2 days to remove it if you're lucky.

Snowie Stormflower (talk)01:30, 19 June 2017