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Talk:Butler (Partner)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Repairs315:19, 3 September 2014
Butler Conversation Music019:19, 20 July 2012

Is it Magical Weapons or Magical Clothing, or both?

Infodude57516:36, 7 July 2012

CLothing, like Fleta

S•A•R•I•A16:36, 7 July 2012

Can it repair Special armor?

Omegaedgar01 (talk)15:15, 3 September 2014

I think the Bulter can anything that can be normally be repaired at Fleta, stuff like Colin Plate Armor or Dustin Silver Knight pieces.


Butler Conversation Music

The Theme that plays during conversation with the butler is labled as "Cutscene04.mp3" in the files, Im saying this here as i dont want to edit the wiki with "Cutscene04" because i dont think that would be very helpful, its first heard chronologically when Mari, Ruairi and Tarlach are sat around a campfire in Alby.

Would hyperlinking the name to the Mabinoger juke box be acceptable on this site? [1] this is the site, as well as the theme for confirmation on this fact. If what i;ve posted is enough to make an edit, please do.

I hope i didn;t break nuthin here :B;

MasterGiegue19:19, 20 July 2012