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Ghost has Windmill?

Red Ghost in the G3 Peaca appears to have windmill, according to a party I was with at the time. Blue Ghost showed effects of windmill later on in same party. (had lost 10% of it's health over a time span of a few seconds when I was looking away) --Xetrina 05:54, 22 September 2008 (UTC)

I also thought they had windmill too but there isn't any animation for it so I wasn't sure. The Japanese wiki has windmill under ghosts so I'm going to add it. Second 17:06, 23 September 2008 (UTC)


WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW -never ever goes into peaca basic ever-

T^T scary T^T --ACE1337 20:50, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

Skeleton Ghosts with Intution?

Do they really have Intution? Every time i Smashed them, they did not retalliate. ~ Shadowboy132

race.xml says that skeleton ghosts, and all the colored skeleton ghosts all have rank f instinctive reaction(AKA intuition)--Sozen Cratos Focker 00:59, 16 May 2009 (UTC)


K whats with the

  • ""Skeleton Ghosts""

thing? o.o--♫ѕτя♪ (I can't find an "a" D:) 23:48, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

Masked Ghosts

Do these really belong in this page? They share nothing in common with any other ghosts ie. Magic, AI pattern, Sprite animation, etc. --ZephyreTALK 13:53, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

Headtilty. Are they more like worms? *has only seen them once ingame, and vaguely remembers what their animations are like*--αмуταιқ♪ 21:13, 11 November 2009 (UTC)
Their AI is the same as the armored worms from g3 final, their sprite shape and animations are those of worms, their sfx are the same ones as worms, and their stats are similar to those worms. The only thing they have in common with ghosts is the transparent texture.--Sozen Cratos Focker 07:22, 13 November 2009 (UTC)
And their name lol. Some ghosts don't even have that transparentness, they just kinda have smoke....idk. Such as the Skeleton Ghosts. But I mean.... how would that work? A ghost (by name) on a worms' page..?--αмуταιқ♪ 22:47, 13 November 2009 (UTC)
The original monster categorization was based on general AI types, and based on it's AI, it's a worm, and theres nothing wrong with a worm on the worm page. But the ghost page would need something like "see also: mask ghost section of worm page" at the bottom in case someone is looking for those based on the name.--Sozen Cratos Focker 02:26, 15 November 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Verona Black Prison Ghost?106:33, 9 January 2012
Ghost Servants221:12, 29 July 2011

Verona Black Prison Ghost?

Why is there still no information on them? we are currently on g14s2, there should definatly be information by now. what is an effective method on fighting them? are their AI/skill similar to any of the normal prison ghosts? same as with the Verona Ghouls

There seems to be information now, though it seems to be missing Natural Shield from the list of abilities, level 2 I think but I'm not sure.

Acru06:33, 9 January 2012

Ghost Servants

According to the Taming Journal, Ghost Servants aren't ghosts, but they are able to enslave ghosts. Should we move them to their own page? Can somebody check the Korean description?

Pyro - (Talk)02:59, 22 July 2011

If it acts like a ghost, then it should stay here, regardless of what some minuscule description says.

Angevon (Talk)08:19, 22 July 2011

Can someone confirm that their AI is similar/identical to that of a Ghost?

Pyro - (Talk)21:12, 29 July 2011