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Talk:Ribbon Lightning Dragon (for 2)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How were the speed rating values determined?119:33, 12 January 2024

How were the speed rating values determined?

I'm relatively new to wiki editing, particularly for this wiki, and I've been wondering: where do the speed values come from?

I get the sense that there are a very wide range of possible values for different races of pet, but no in-game way to determine them. Also, I have a memory that Nexon used to release the stats when releasing new pets on the website, but even if they used to they don't seem to any more.

When I'm making new pet pages I want to be as accurate as possible. So, what is the best way to figure this out?

Soupworks (talk)09:18, 8 January 2024

Speed values were often relative to humans and I don't believe they can be acquired through normal gameplay. As you said, back when Nexon provided most of the information, thats probably where a lot of it came from, but nowadays its probably not something worth filling in. If you don't know, just leave it blank rather than try to guess.

For this Ribbon Lightning Dragon 2-Seater, iirc it's functionally identical to another pet (Thunder Dragon 2-Seater). I used values already available.

MasterGiegue (talk)19:32, 12 January 2024