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Talk:Winter Ace Gachapon

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Divine Duality Crystal Ball723:19, 20 December 2013
Violin015:49, 20 December 2013

Divine Duality Crystal Ball

A user on Tumblr apparently got one of every wing (aside from Spirit Wings) from the Divine Duality Crystal Ball. I've yet to come across any single wing on its own from the Gachapon. x_x

Revi (talk)17:10, 20 December 2013

Link/Source please.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)17:35, 20 December 2013

23 opened and no wings. :P

Neofrost (talk)17:36, 20 December 2013

A friend of mine opened 100. No wings.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)18:29, 20 December 2013

I've opened 120k worth so far, no wings, no orb.

[Edit] Not sure if this is the same person, but I found this post on the forums:

Revi (talk)18:48, 20 December 2013

Do you get the ball from this gach? How does this work exactly?

Ikkisuki (talk)20:38, 20 December 2013

As far as I know, yes, you get the ball from this gachapon, and then you open the ball to get the wings.

Revi (talk)23:19, 20 December 2013

It's from accounts of other people that have got it, one of which I was around when my friend opened it. Even trade window me to see the wings.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:00, 20 December 2013

Since it's shown in the advertisement image, is the violin in this gacha?

Narwhals (talk)15:49, 20 December 2013