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Bonus points from damage not happening?

Bonus points from damage not happening?

Wiki page claims there are bonus points equal to 0.5% of damage added the score at the end of the test. I'm not seeing that in game.

The Sept 2023 Quality of Life improvements made changes to many Dan tests. For Ice Bolt, Fire Bolt and Lightning Bolt, bonus points used to be added at the end of the test, but the release notes explicitly noted that these had been changed to add the bonus points as they accrue. We now have the options to target a particular result, with the test finishing early if we accumulate the required number of points. It's logical that they would change the bonus points structure to add them as they accrue, since this makes it easier for to test whether we've reached the target. But the release notes do not claim that any such change has been made for Ice Spear.

I'm trying to get to Dan 2. Selected the option to attempt to get a S level result, so it will fail if I don't get the 9000 points. On one attempt I noticed my points at something over 8900 shortly before time expired. Bonus points should have carried me over 9000, but I still failed the test.

So on next attempt I chose the option to start the test rather than picking a target, meaning the test will not finish early if I get some particular score. Watched closely as the time expired and my score did not jump, so no bonus points added.

Also, the wiki page is claiming that attacking an enemy with ice spear earns 50 points, when it only earns 30 points, but the release notes didn't mention any such change. It only notes the points for attacking 3 enemies has increased from 200 to 400, which it has.

So, two possible explanations.

1. Our wiki page was already out of date before the Sept 2023 change, and the release notes didn't mention removal of the bonus points on Ice Spear Dan tests and reduction in the attack points from 50 to 30, because these changes actually happened in some earlier update.

2. There's a bug. We're supposed to be getting the bonus points, but we aren't.

So, can anyone remember with certainty whether Ice Spear was being the bonus points before this update?

The wiki page for Thunder claims it also gets similar bonus points, with the release notes not mentioning any change, so it would also be useful to check whether they are happening in game. But I've used up all my Dan attempts for today, so can't test it yet.

Librarian (talk)18:14, 6 October 2023

the point adjustment is mentioned on the QoL page, as a generic int magic change:

  • The score for attacking monsters with the skill has been decreased from 50 or 70 points to 30 points.

There isn't a bonus damage tally anymore at the end of the test. It does seem to be missing from the web post however. Checking out Yamanoki's dan test videos on Youtube can corroborate this.

the 100 points for attacking the golem also was removed.

Ivy (talk)19:10, 6 October 2023