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User talk:Librarian

From Mabinogi World Wiki

In respect of ducats, the additional reward is the percentage give in the table below multiplied by the base profit.

Could you clarify what you meant by this? I don't quite understand what you mean.

The table refers to "Additional Rewards Earned (%)"

Just knowing there's an additional reward of 5% is not useful. We need to know what it is 5% of. To me, the most logical structure would be if it were 5% of the sell price displayed in the trading window, though 5% of the buy price would also be sensible. Surprisingly, it is neither. It is 5% of (Buy Price - Sell Price), which I've called 5% of the base profit.

Feel free to add more detail if you think it's unclear. Librarian (talk) 01:26, 12 October 2013 (PDT)

Librarian (talk)01:26, 12 October 2013

About raising disputes...

Please put those in the talk page. Not the article.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure that in one of the patch notes - or maybe another branch talking about cap exploration quests - it already mentioned that the need to go back and do the cap quests again after a rebirth has been removed.

Edit: It was here: Exploration Cap Quests (Human).

Akira00:26, 19 February 2012