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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Cessair's Heart

They look nothing alike, they just both have prideful faces. Their colour palettes are completely different:


  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Red
  • Skin: White


  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Orange
  • Skin: Peach

Their eye shapes are sort of similar, but only as similar as anyone with that facial phenotype is in anime. The only similarity between their braids is that they both have braids. Your distinction of "braids of hair" vs "hair style" doesn't really make sense, either. Their number of, placement of, and size of braids are all different.

Kadalyn (talk)00:05, 1 September 2013

We can't really rely on color for this; Tieve(the girl in Vindictus that turned into Morrighan) was blonde.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)12:17, 3 September 2013

Tieve and Morrighan look nothing alike, either. So by that logic, we can't rely on anything. Anyone and anything could be the prevolution of Macha.

Also I was under the impression this was about "currently is" for instance "Macha in disguise", where Tieve permanently transformed.

Either way, it's devalued its mention on the main article.

Kadalyn (talk)12:37, 3 September 2013

There were some similarities like their hair style, hair length, outfit and poses(they both keep their hands together in front of their chests a lot, there aren't many other characters in Mabi and Vindi that do that). Also, Triona and Millia both have multiple braids and strange pendants like Macha.

I'm not saying any of that needs to be in the article, I'm just pointing out that color alone isn't enough.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)14:35, 3 September 2013

Tieve and Morrighan have identical face models in Vindictus. Also, there is no character portrait of Morrighan in Vindictus by which to compare to Tieve's portraits. That being said, it should be considered that they are identical facially until proven otherwise.

Pyro - (Talk)15:34, 3 September 2013

Ascension into godhood? MADNESSS

まそっぷ ! (talk)12:56, 3 September 2013