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G15 arrows independent?

G15 arrows independent?

I am running the G15 RP as Portia and 4 times now I have fired both arrows and made only 1 strike. Is this a glitch on my end or have they actually made each fired arrow independently calculated to hit or miss?

AMM6606:24, 31 October 2011

Well if they are using defense, it'll waste 1 arrow while the other hits.

LexisMikaya07:01, 31 October 2011

There was no defense animation though, one arrow hit and the arrow trail for the second was off in nowhere.

AMM6607:41, 31 October 2011

Then I have no idea...I was doing portia's rp and I went through it just fine. maybe it's something on your end?

LexisMikaya07:42, 31 October 2011

That's odd. Didn't cause problems but if it's not actually doing anything that's fine

AMM6610:16, 2 November 2011

Does Portia have sharp mind? Might be you couldn't see them using Defense.

Angevon (Talk)10:36, 2 November 2011

you would hear the sound bit as if defense was loaded. and no she does not, at least when i was doing it...not one to pay attention to sharp mind :c

LexisMikaya11:29, 2 November 2011

Are you killing them in one hit?

Only one arrow is shown if that one arrow kills them.

Infodude57520:07, 2 November 2011

no, they were not killed by the shots I fired, and there was no defense sound played. If this isn't happening to everybody It was probably just a glitch on my end where the damage was not displayed

AMM6613:32, 3 November 2011