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G15 walkthrough

G15 walkthrough

Hi all, I am planning to start the G15 walkthrough. I will base it on the JP guide since G15 was recently released there.

Since my wiki-fu is pretty weak, do forgive me if the guide does not live up to the standard set by the wiki. In that case, I hope the kind editors can help to improve the guide.

Also, as I will be busy with school assignments, I will work on the guide in several parts. Is this acceptable? Do I need to put an indication of Work-in-Progress anywhere?

Thank you very much.

Luin00:36, 30 September 2011

On the other hand, I think I should just finish it now while I still can.

Since my knowledge of Japanese is stil limited, I apologise if there are errors in translation, especially with regards to the Quest Names.

Quest 11: The name used in JP is 平民だから. I can't find a good English equivalent for it, so I just went for the literal translation with the words in brackets used to make the phrase sensible.

Persona: The JP name is シャイロックの歩み. It's English name as shown in-game is Footstep of Shylock.

Comments, critic and suggestions are welcome. Some flaming will also be accepted (as long as the flamer's Flame Burst skill rank is not too high >w<).

See you in G16!

Luin05:00, 30 September 2011

You've done a good job, a lot better than me google-translating it all! Thank you :)

Angevon (Talk)12:30, 30 September 2011