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Talk:Generation 15: The First Contract

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Storyline2421:08, 2 February 2015
G15 walkthrough212:30, 30 September 2011
Just wondering915:10, 12 September 2011
Error915:55, 10 September 2011

Would anyone like to spoil what happens in Generation 15?

Also, the Third Guardian of Avon is present, correct?

Infodude57518:07, 23 September 2011

No, Bran returns.

Pyro - (Talk)18:38, 23 September 2011


B-but... He's supposed to be dead! D:

Infodude57518:42, 23 September 2011

Grim's not dead either. But as far as I know, we do not fight him.

Pyro - (Talk)18:49, 23 September 2011
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 21:08, 2 February 2015
Spoiler icon.png This part of the current article contains spoilers.
  • Shylock misses his family.
  • Shakespeare makes contract with Shylock.
  • Shylock fails to get Antonio.
  • Shakespeare tries to take over Shylock's body.
  • Morrighan appears with 2 guardian and take Shakespeare away.
  • Milletian reads the work of Shakespeare that he dropped when he was taken away.
  • The book reads.... DOOM OF MILLETIAN!!!!!
Fallenonesigniture.PNG18:53, 23 September 2011

Just a prophecy, by the way.

Pyro - (Talk)18:59, 23 September 2011

Jeez, Milletian massacre? That's so low, Morrighan...

But I recall Cichol returns in G15? What happened to our great Fomor God?

Infodude57521:40, 23 September 2011

I don't know for sure, but that may have been a flashback considering G15 is about the past. But we definitely know he is alive since he was in Falias in G12.

Pyro - (Talk)23:29, 23 September 2011

Well according to the 'spoiler' on Shakespeare's page, says he tried taking over a body. I'm wondering if that was justified and now who is the good or bad guy...

But... If he's Milletian, he could have 'rebirthed' into another body?
(He shoulda taken Dougal's body because he didn't need it...)

Infodude57501:19, 24 September 2011

Writing scripts is Shakespeare's method of rebirthing. As in the example with Shylock, Shakespeare made a contract with him. If Shylock failed to kill Antonio within xx time, his spirit will be moved into the story of Golvan, and Shakespeare will live in Shylock's body, safe from Morrighan for the time being. If he succeeded, however, Shakespeare shows him his family. That's why the Gods forbid books. I'm not entirely sure why he can't/doesn't rebirth the traditional way. Maybe it is because Morrighan would capture him if he entered Erinn's Soul Stream?

Pyro - (Talk)01:27, 24 September 2011

A lot of puzzling things...

It shouldn't be possible for Morrighan to kill us, since we overpower her. But, even if she dies, she'll just respawn back in Falias like how Nuadha(?) and Cichol did.

Also, is she still having trouble eliminating the Fomors and Tutha De Danann? Shakespeare's Future Sight shows her killing Milletians so easily...

Infodude57502:05, 24 September 2011

I don't know what you mean by "respawning in Falias". Nuadha's first death, he was summoned back to life in the Underground Waterways. Cichol's death or fake death was never explained. Lesser gods like them and Morrighan are not immortal, and the same goes for Milletians. There is a way to kill almost everyone. And she isn't trying to kill the Tuatha De Danann (from what we know so far). She's trying to kill those who are foreign of Erinn.

Pyro - (Talk)11:21, 24 September 2011

According to this video, G15 takes place around the time of G10/11.
Although it seems cutoff. Either A: The rest of that video shows how Cichol tricked us into thinking he was dead. Or B: He was summoned back to life.

Pyro - (Talk)11:38, 24 September 2011

isnt this the memory of imp telling ogre about death of Cichol?

Fallenonesigniture.PNG20:00, 27 September 2011

Weren't Partholons descent from Erinn? Morrighan killed them all except one, did she not?

I'm aware no one is truly immortal, but Nuadha (and possibly Cichol) came back from death. Even if we kill Morrighan, she'll probably come back, too.

Infodude57512:04, 24 September 2011

Her target was not Partholon. Shakespeare was hiding within them, so in attempt to kill Shakespeare, she released a plague. And there's nothing saying she purposefully spared Python Knight. And there is a possibility of Morrighan coming back if we do kill her.

Pyro - (Talk)12:09, 24 September 2011

So she unintentionally killed an entire race... What the hell, Morrighan?

I believe that even if Shakespeare is captured, he'll still escape somehow. I mean, he was captured by Grim and reappeared in the following Gen.

But, I'm still wondering who's the good guy and the bad guy... Shakespeare did something unjust did he not?

Infodude57512:14, 24 September 2011

Technically, Shakespeare, the players, and every other Milletian are the main antagonists of the game... That doesn't necessarily mean we're the bad guys, but we are the antagonists. And I though Grim was just chasing Shakespeare, never actually catching him.

Pyro - (Talk)12:28, 24 September 2011

Wait, how are we antagonists? What have we done to deserve such a title?

If you recall in Generation 13's finale, several bars forming a cage appeared around Shakespeare right after Grim showed up. The bars were still around in his post-dialogue.

Infodude57512:54, 24 September 2011

We are literally aliens to Erinn. We come to their world, influence their culture, battle their wild life, and mettle in their affairs. Wouldn't you be as annoyed as Morrighan is?

Pyro - (Talk)13:01, 24 September 2011

True we are aliens, but aside from meddling, we haven't done much wrong have we?

Infodude57513:03, 24 September 2011
We come to their world, influence their culture, battle their wild life, and mettle in their affairs.


That is very wrong... Regardless of what a single Milletian (the player) has accomplished.

Pyro - (Talk)13:05, 24 September 2011

Another question: How does Merchant of Venice partake in this role?

(Honestly, I've never even read it...)

Infodude57519:15, 27 September 2011

Neither have I... lol I assume it has to do with the contract to kill Antonio?

Pyro - (Talk)19:17, 27 September 2011

Apart from Shakespeare's past, you also have the MoV storyline plot to follow. It ties in a bit with G14S4 (Ascon's story, some chars were mentioned)

Luin00:24, 30 September 2011

G15 walkthrough

Hi all, I am planning to start the G15 walkthrough. I will base it on the JP guide since G15 was recently released there.

Since my wiki-fu is pretty weak, do forgive me if the guide does not live up to the standard set by the wiki. In that case, I hope the kind editors can help to improve the guide.

Also, as I will be busy with school assignments, I will work on the guide in several parts. Is this acceptable? Do I need to put an indication of Work-in-Progress anywhere?

Thank you very much.

Luin00:36, 30 September 2011

On the other hand, I think I should just finish it now while I still can.

Since my knowledge of Japanese is stil limited, I apologise if there are errors in translation, especially with regards to the Quest Names.

Quest 11: The name used in JP is 平民だから. I can't find a good English equivalent for it, so I just went for the literal translation with the words in brackets used to make the phrase sensible.

Persona: The JP name is シャイロックの歩み. It's English name as shown in-game is Footstep of Shylock.

Comments, critic and suggestions are welcome. Some flaming will also be accepted (as long as the flamer's Flame Burst skill rank is not too high >w<).

See you in G16!

Luin05:00, 30 September 2011

You've done a good job, a lot better than me google-translating it all! Thank you :)

Angevon (Talk)12:30, 30 September 2011

Just wondering

The G15 Teaser Video calls it The First Contract. So whats it suppose to officially be called?? o:<

Fishstickys13:57, 15 July 2011

I think we should leave it as it is until it comes to NA (in two months from Korea's release according to the last livechat). I've heard it be called First Trade, Merchant of Velvas, First Contract, and Merchant of Venice. It does get a bit confusing.

Pyro - (Talk)14:11, 15 July 2011

Confusing but i think i follow

Fishstickys14:58, 15 July 2011

When was it released in Korea?

Onionsong01:03, 30 August 2011

It's supposed to say in the Patches page, however someone didn't update it for Korean's timeline, so its incorrect.

I think it was released somewhere in July, August?

Infodude57501:12, 30 August 2011

NA's G15 login title calls it "The First Contract". (In case any of you were wondering, KR test has the files of all the login titles of all servers).

kaede-kit (Talk)16:08, 30 August 2011

There's already spoilers and ending on youtube anyhow.

Contract is the correct term once you know the story.

Dra6o0n22:31, 2 September 2011

Back in July it was iffy, not now in August and September, I don't see why this is still being discussed...

Pyro - (Talk)22:53, 2 September 2011

So, how long until we can get a guide going for this?

Thundercross14:11, 12 September 2011

Until someone who plays on the Korean server writes it or it reaches NA and we write it.

Pyro - (Talk)15:10, 12 September 2011

I can't seem to change it, but it says "Unlike previous Shakespearean Generations, Generation 15 will only be based on one of Shakespeare's works" This is just wrong, G13 had only Hamlet and G14 was only Romeo and Juliet.

Kingman18607:45, 10 September 2011


Fallenonesigniture.PNG09:17, 10 September 2011

How exactly was that wrong?...

Pyro - (Talk)11:43, 10 September 2011

Because, like previous generations, this is based on one of Shakespeare's works.


The difference being the previous generations actually had Shakespeare's work. This one did not.

Pyro - (Talk)11:47, 10 September 2011

Okay then. Thank you for answering your own question. e-e


I wasn't answering my own question, I was explaining why I think the original statement was correct. Why is it wrong?

Pyro - (Talk)11:50, 10 September 2011

Because it stated that unlike other ones, this one only had ONE of Sheakspeares work, the others have the same, and if this one doesn't have any of his work, it is still wrong because it says it does.

Kingman18612:04, 10 September 2011

No, the original statement said.

only be based


It never said it was the only one that had it. I still do not see why people are saying it's wrong...

Pyro - (Talk)12:07, 10 September 2011

Original meant "only be based" as "only have motive" of Merchant of Venice.

however, some people got confused and changed to :"only be based on one of Shakespeare's works"

which means completely different thing.

Fallenonesigniture.PNG15:55, 10 September 2011