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VIP Tab Lock

VIP Tab Lock

Q: If you have stuff in your VIP tab and it gets locked, can you still use/pull stuff from it?

Infodude57520:19, 4 December 2011

You cant use or take them out. Its just like the Premium Shop Bags and Extra space in bank tabs

Kiyoura20:29, 4 December 2011

... #@!$&$!@^!!! DAMN YOU NEXON!!

Infodude57520:39, 4 December 2011

But I thought you can empty premium storage bags after you lose service for it. (By right-click "empty"ing.)

Pyro - (Talk)18:42, 5 December 2011

False. You CAN use the Avon Feather and Adniel's Horn if it is in your VIP tab when your VIP premium runs out. I remember having both of those items in there and was able to use them both when my VIP ran out (before the 2 months free).

Code 200800:20, 10 February 2012