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Is it actually possible that the "Frost" on the gloves represents Ophelia's dark, cold sorrow? Like how the flame on the Sword of Elsinore represents Hamlet's anger and thirst for revenge.

Also, do you really need to have the gloves on to equip it?

Infodude57518:50, 3 January 2012

I think you do need it. I mean, the sword is on fire lol. but as far as the symbolism on the frost, I'd say it's something like that. I don't remember Hamlet too well (not the Mabi version of course lol)

Mikaya19:08, 3 January 2012

I thought they could represent the presence of Hamlet's Father...

First, Hamlet's father begs Hamlet not to forget him, and to extract vengeance on his uncle. The second thing is that ghosts are usually described with a cold air and a creepy glow about their embodiment. Third, the gloves are the only thing separating from the burning sword. There are a few instances in the play when Hamlet doubts himself, but decides to proceed to plot his uncle's murder because of his desire to save his father from his suffering. Later in the play, when Hamlet threatens his mother, his father appears to him and asks her to be gentle and kind to her, which quells his rage from hurting her.

I don't think I would like to touch a burning sword either... As for whether or not the gloves are personalized when you draw the sword, I do not know.

Reihu19:17, 24 May 2012

The gloves are not. You can sell them...drop them...etc. They're just like any other item.

Zey15:00, 25 May 2012

I never asked whether they were personalized. I only asked whether the Rosemary Gloves are needed to both draw and equip it.

Infodude57516:14, 25 May 2012