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speculation page

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Sand Pile

You know we CAN get descriptions of items before the event for them are out, I don't see any justification in you calling this speculation unless you didn't know that.

Pyro - (Talk)02:06, 17 July 2013

What happened to following Nexon's wishes of not data-mining?

Imbored (talk)07:12, 17 July 2013

i had assumed we were going off of that policy, in which case, any such data would be ONLY speculation, sadly it has now been proven true

Legiathan (talk)10:11, 17 July 2013

Regardless, that does not justify vandalism.


call it vandalism if you want, if you give nexon a valid reason to bring on a lawsuit by releasing information which you cannot legitimately obtain in game yet, youre asking for trouble, and i would rather keep the wiki online

Legiathan (talk)12:18, 17 July 2013
bring on a lawsuit


Now let's get back to talking about this.

  • First, they would request C&D. I guess you can call this, that.
    • They have made their request. I have fulfilled their request (removal of "IDs [for whatever retarded reasoning], unnecessary tags, and other things we aren't using").
  • Second, even if they were to go for a C&D, would they really bother with a wiki first? There are assloads of sites that would be way more beneficial to take down first, e.g. modding sites.
    • They haven't.
  • Third, Nexon doesn't really care. Have you looked at Maplestory? Have you noticed the plethora of database/modding/hacking sites there are for Maplestory? Do you know how many have been taken down because of "data-mining"? As far as I know, 0.
    • We've been data mining information before, during, and after their little scare. They. don't. really. care.
  • Fourth, "No posting of 'data-mined' information" was only a rule in the Mabinogi Forums. That rule, as far as I know, does not apply here and there is nothing in the policy (not that any of you have been reading it. "NO VANDALISM" is in there also; you don't see that not happening) that forbids it.
  • Fifth, they have better things to do, like fixing the entire damn game.

yeah, they dont fix all that many things there either, most likely their plate is full in that department, but they are a highly segmented company, the billing department people cant do anything but forward requests if you try to get help with tech issues, and visa versa

Legiathan (talk)13:10, 17 July 2013
billing department


tech issues


Yeah. I can see why.


that was one example used cause it was obvious, of course you can see why

Legiathan (talk)13:13, 17 July 2013

And to keep the wiki online if such a situation should occur: mass vandalism of said wiki! Your logic works!


yeah, i took it too far, and i apologise, maybe you can get a link for editors somewhere that has a list of tags and when to use them. talked to another editor, and now i know to use the

{{Delete|data mining}}

tag when such a page crops up

EDIT: like that?

Legiathan (talk)12:26, 17 July 2013

Better get to prepending that to everything regarding G18 and any future equipment!


My opinion here is that trivial things like soon-to-be-released event items aren't important enough to mine, and to save the less than legal stuff for things far too difficult to find in-game, like 5 star food stats, hidden shield bonuses, and weapons, etc.

Oneris (talk)12:49, 17 July 2013

Remove the periods Legi. it's


and the Wiki Tips for New Editors page could be more visible and accessible, instead of being buried in the wiki policy page.

Oneris (talk)12:29, 17 July 2013