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Stats are from White Elephant

Stats are from White Elephant

I compared my own Tiny Elephant to the other two Elephant pets and its stats appear to be copied from the White Elephant specifically, so I created the page by pasting info from there.

Also since it has a different model from the other two (the gigantic bow), it should have its own images. Where should we get them from?

Eralea (talk)09:00, 30 January 2016

...Hey! Only a year to get a reply. Er...

I took a pic from the announcement page, since it had a nice white background. For in-game, a picture of the pet while inside the Dunbarton School (place with consistent lighting) would be fine. Ideally without the hearts pets sometimes show xD;

Also, question about the ability to use Pet Dye Ampoules on it - is it possible? From old NA forums, it seems that you could only change the bow color by using a Pet Medal, which would change the bow to a random color. Not sure if this has changed or not.

Elide (talk)12:12, 11 January 2017