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Merge with other Title Pages

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Titles

For one reason or another (I think it's because the way Tabs template works), you can't put charts directly into tabs unless it's a template or a separate page. That makes more unnecessary pages and more work to be done.

You can put tables/charts/whatevers into tabs, however you must convert any pipes into the pipe template because pipes are interpreted as parameter prefixes.

iDSd14:11, 27 October 2014
Infodude575 (talk)14:27, 27 October 2014

Thanks for repeating the first six words of my post with a link to a page that uses the one of the exceptions she stated.

You've literally done nothing in this post.

iDSd14:33, 27 October 2014

He provided an example. That's something. Meanwhile you're just being unnecessarily belligerent.

Blargel (talk)14:35, 27 October 2014

He provided an example of a page which uses one of the exceptions she already knows about. That's like you asking how to solve 53246562 and me telling you the answer to 1+1.

When have I not been hostile towards him?

iDSd14:41, 27 October 2014

That was supposed to be a subtle reminder that we expect people to be respectful in discussion pages as stated in the policy. I guess I need to be more direct. I admit I made a mistake since I didn't check that page's code. However, you need to keep that attitude in check.

Blargel (talk)15:17, 27 October 2014

I'm sorry I didn't read her "exceptions", but I agree with Blargel; that hostility was totally uncalled for, and you shouldn't keep that up.

Infodude575 (talk)16:01, 27 October 2014

Excuse for not remembering. being away too long impacts my usefulness ;c.

*pat pat*

Infodude575 (talk)15:36, 27 October 2014